For the most part, Malt Liquor beers are sold in the infamous 40 oz sized bottles, some as large as 64 ozs to as small as 12 oz bottles. Wide-mouthed necks are also very popular – this allows the beer to practically funnel its way into your belly. They usually hit at around 5.5 to 8.2% alcohol by volume and are straw to pale amber in color.
Most use excessive amounts of adjuncts, such as corn, rice, and refined brewers sugar (dextrose) and as a result, there are very few “all malt” brewed malt liquors. Hops are barely used, just enough is added to balance off any cloyingness. Higher alcohol versions tend to have loads of fusel alcohol, which gives off solvent or fuel-like aromas and flavors.
They are attenuated very well, meaning a higher ratio of fermentable sugars are present over other beers, but without using as many ingredients and still ending up with high alcohol content. Some breweries enable the use of special enzymes to further break down the malt and adjuncts so they will yield a larger percentage of alcohol. This makes for quite a dry beer, with only a small amount of unfermented sugars and a kick that will knock you on your ass.
Malt liquors must be served ice cold, as close as you can get to 32°F as possible. If you try to drink the stuff any warmer than 45°F you risk the chance of hurling as they can get nasty when warm. And, if you must drink it out of a glass, a frozen one is a must to ensure an optimal temperature. Malt liquor is specifically brewed to be consumed quickly, achieve an abrupt buzz, and is easy to drink. This can cause the toughest of drinkers, let alone half-pints, to forget their name and current location. Not a good thing if your buzz goes that far, especially with malt liquor. In the wrong hands, malt liquor also becomes instant asshole juice. Only experienced drinkers should attempt to take on malt liquors, preferably at home, alone.
Oddly, and a little-known fact, not all beers labeled malt liquor are. Varying from state to state, the label is applied to certain beers that exceed a specific alcohol content. You’ll see this commonly with imports.
The style has many names, like “liquid crack”, “ghetto juice”, “booty juice”, “crazy juice”, “death in a bottle”, “four O” or just plain “forty.” Popularity has been growing over the years and throughout various boroughs in the American culture. However, you cannot dispute its horrible impact, and the sly marketing tactics behind it, which contributed in making it the drink of choice in the ghettoes.
Malt liquors are often marketed as being “high in alcohol” with a demographic target of young men, traditionally students, minorities, white trash, wiggers, drunks or any combination of the mentioned. It’s guaranteed that the seedier the neighbor, the more malt liquor you will find. Guaranteed.
Take no offense if you fall into one of these categories, but you are being targeted with a juice from hell. By drinking it you reinforce this common theory, strengthen the marketing behind it, and line the pockets of mega-breweries while you get crazy stupid drunk. Beer is often classified as a depressant, but don’t allow it to be a suppressant on your mind.
All the negativity aside, as BeerAdvocates we have to keep open palates and review a wide spectrum of beers, including malt liquor beers. Here are a few to be aware of, or perhaps even stay away from.